Welcome to the Chair of Economics and Economic Education
Economic Education is highly relevant to modern general education and an integral part in the education of ongoing teachers at vocational schools. Nowadays, economic skills are decisive factors for professional success in people’s working lives. Children and young people are already growing up in an environment that is becoming more and more economically steeped. More than ever, before dealing with present and future life situations requires a minimum of economic skills.
Therefore, we do research in the fields of economic general education and commercial vocational education and training with competence and passion. Our focus is on economic and vocational education for the digital business world, orientation in the world of work and careers, and entrepreneurship education.
In research as well as in teaching, the Chair of Economics and Economic Education concentrates on questions and problems of economic and business education. The core tasks of the chair entail the education of future economics teachers for vocational and general-education schools, the theoretical foundation of a contemporary understanding of economic and business education and last but not least practice-oriented, i. e. school-based research in the field of economic and business education.
We are members of:
IZfB - The Centre for Empirical Research in Education
Prof. Dr. Thomas Retzmann
Universität Duisburg-Essen, Campus Essen
Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftswissenschaften und Didaktik der Wirtschaftslehre
Weststadttürme, Berliner Platz 6-8
Room WST-C.13.17
45127 Essen
Tel.: +49 (0) 201 / 18-33838 (Office)
Fax: +49 (0) 201 / 18-32589
E-Mail: sekretariat.widida@uni-due.de
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